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Organizing Bath Toys

My daughter is a new mommy and I am a grandma for the first time! So Fun!! Being a new mom, Chelsea is trying to figure out how to keep her home organized with all the new things she now has to keep track of.


Chelsea asked for my advice. We looked everywhere at all the millions of products that are out there to help you organize your bath toys. We even looked on Pinterest. Below are some of the things we saw and what we decided was the best choice for Chelsea.

The Bath Caddy Walrus was cute, but it just didn't seem like it would be big enough. Chelsea likes to keep a pouring jug to rinse Milo's hair and wanted that stored with the toys as well.

This Bath Toy Organizer with Hooked Suction Cups just seemed like it would be hard to get toys in and out and again probably not big enough for the water jug.

Here is something from Inspired Home we found on Pinterest that we considered. There would definitely be plenty of room for everything! We actually started buying the supplies to do this but it was getting kind of pricey and it just seemed too cluttery. Milo just doesn't have that many toys. So we continued our search.

Soo, this is the winner! And this is my adorable grandson! Man, he is cute! We ended up getting the KidCo Bath Toy Organizer Storage Basket.

We just feel like this is simple and neat. As Milo gets bigger, he could just crab things right from the basket. When somebody takes a shower, they can just slide it to the back and it's out of the way. Chelsea did put little pads underneath to keep it from sliding too much. Now it's perfect. The winner! Click on the picture and it will take you to the link if you would like to order one for YOUR cute grandchild!... Or whomever. :)

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